Shedding light on the solutions and good reflexes to preserve the reserves of our oceans with Rémi Aubril.
“Understand better, advise better, consume better”
The urgency to "consume better" is more and more felt by consumers and professionals alike. In the seafood sector, this is reflected in the appearance of new measures and new labels. It is sometimes difficult to see clearly in this ocean of initiatives. This article by Rémi Aubril, sea products valorisation enthusiast at Klarys, puts the light on the solutions and good habits to adopt for the preservation of our oceans’ fish stocks.
According to Ifremer's 2020 figures, 49% of the volume of fish caught in France comes from sustainably exploited populations (compared to 15% in 2000). Although the profession is actively improving, issues are remaining in the choices of fishing gear and the environmental impact.
Labels in the seafood industry
To get started, here is what you need to know about the main labels in a few words:
“In the seafood sector, there are two main categories of labels: ecolabs, which translate a limitation of the environmental impact of production methods and labels or signs of origin and quality” says Rémi Aubril.
Here are a few examples of Ecolabels:
- MSC,
- ASC,
- Friend of the Sea,
- "Sustainable Fishing" Label
And EU Organic Food Label.
Sometimes decried, it is still necessary to understand the functioning and the meaning of these certifications and labels. It is a prerequisite to promote a more sustainable fishing.
A few ecolabels to know
MSC (Marine Stewardship Council) for wild products and ASC (Aquaculture Stewardship Council) for farmed products, are the two labels most often offered to consumers, especially in frozen or canned food.

The MSC label
Created in 1997 by WWF and Unilever, the "MSC Fisheries Standard" is a private label that certifies the sustainable management of certified fisheries. It is managed by a non-profit NGO. It is one of the main labels, which focuses on "good stock management".
Today, about 20% of the fish caught by French fisheries carry the MSC label.
In summary, the 3 main foundations of the MSC label are:
- Sustainable fish stocks
- Minimized environmental impact
- Effective management of fisheries (source MSC)
Learn more about the MSC label

The ASC label
Created in 2010, the ASC label is related to the MSC. It is managed by an independent non-profit organization and concerns only products from aquaculture.
It guarantees that the fish is produced taking in consideration the environment and in good working conditions. This label controls many criteria, to the extend of checking the electricity consumption of the farm.
This label can be found on 9 species: salmon, tilapia, trout, pangasius, shrimp and seaweed.
Learn more about the ASC label

The “Friend of the sea” label
Created in 2008, the Friend of the Sea (or FoS) label is a non-profit NGO. Its specificity is to certify both wild and farmed fish. Its creator and director is Paolo Bray, known for his Dolphins Safe project.

The label “Pêche durable” (”Sustainable Fishing”)
The label “Pêche durable” is the first French, public ecolabel!
It is supervised by FranceAgriMer, the national agency for agricultural and marine products, unlike its competitors, which are managed by private organizations.
This label aims to promote environmental, economic and social requirements.
Today, it concerns few products on the market, but it is expected to develop rapidly in France.
The first French fishery to receive the "Pêche durable" label was certified in July 2019.

The EU Organic label
The Organic Label was initiated by the European Union in 2010. It is recognizable by its logo that represents the stars of the EU flag in the shape of a leaf.
In France, since 2010, the European label takes precedence over the label managed by the French Ministry of Agriculture: the AB label (for Agriculture biologique or Organic Agriculture). For seafood products, this label is only used for aquaculture.
To obtain the European Union organic label, the production cycle must be controlled and monitored throughout the chain.
It certifies that the products bearing this logo respect the European Union regulation on organic farming. This regulation forbids in particular synthetic fertilizers and pesticides.
The signs of origin and quality

Label Rouge (Red Label)
Created in 1960, the Label Rouge "attests to a level of quality superior to similar products usually marketed". It is managed in France by the INAO (National Institute of Origin and Quality).
It certifies compliance with a very strict set of specifications.

Pavillon France (France Pavilion)
Pavillon France is supported by the interprofessional association France Filière Pêche which gathers producers, fishmongers, wholesalers, processors and retailers in France.
This association aims to develop sustainable and responsible fishing and promote the marketing of French fishing products!
Pavillon France allows consumers to identify seafood products from French fisheries!
An unprecedented mobilization of the industry
It is clear that, faced with the growing demand for control over seafood products, professionals are joining forces and taking action!
Today, consumers must be made aware of the interest of discovering these new tools that are these labels.
If you are a professional and you wish to test our software, do not hesitate to contact us!
Nowadays, promoting sustainable fishing does not stop at a good knowledge and use of labels, it is also necessary to learn about the fishing techniques, the seasonality of products!